Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mr. Clingy

My son never used to be the clingy type.  Most people would be amazed at how social he was, and how he went with anyone with a smile. Now? He's on me like white on rice. It doesn't bother me, but at times it can be overwhelming. Overwhelming when Im trying to make him lunch and he's grabbing my leg screaming for dear life all the while the fiancé says: "I tried but he doesn't want me he wants you" (great easy way out) *sigh*. I've tried ways to keep him entertained while I get things done but it doesn't seem to work. He wants to be right there with me. When I'm washing dishes he's propped up with a step stool and a spoon in one hand and is the happiest little boy ever.  Some might say he's spoiled but is wanting the reassurance and comfort from your mom considered "spoiled"? I know he won't be this way forever, and that one day I will truly miss his step stool days while I'm doing the dishes.

What are your thoughts do all children go through this phase?

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