Monday, September 17, 2012

Thoughts on having another child

I think wouldn't it be amazing to have another child so my son Frankie could have another sibling? To have someone that he will always be close with like me and my sister? To have a forever bond?

It seems great knowing that the second time around I'd be a pro. How I could pick out baby items with my eyes closed. What a breeze this second time would be. I wouldn't always second guess myself or listen to everyone's little silly pieces of advice I would simply/firmly say: "this is what works for me." I'd be confident the second time around. I wouldn't call the pediatrician a million times because I wasn't sure of something. The second time around I would just know.

Then I think about this wonderful routine we have now. Am I prepared to juggle two kids? Two of everything? Waking up every two-three hours ? As much as I would like another kid I've decided to wait. To enjoy my time with my son for the time being. Just the three of us. God willing in the future I'd love another child down the line, but right now I am content. I'm sure when that time comes it will be amazing,

1 comment:

  1. He is still so young. Once he gets a little older and out of the baby stage then you'll want one!


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