Thursday, March 15, 2012

A day in the park

I took my son to the park on Wednesday. It was his second time going to the park. He didn't quite like the sun in his eyes or being on the swing for that matter lol. He watched every child carefully and was extremely curious as to wear they all doing. It was the cutest thing. I can't wait for the summer to get here so I can take him to so many different places. Thats the one thing I look forward to being a mother. Being able to introduce my son to all types of new places and experiences. When I was younger my mom always made it a point to always take us to different places when we were little. My father was always working so it was just the three of us (me, my mom, & sister). She took us places like central park, zoos, picnics, bike riding, museums, amusement parks, botanical gardens, & broadway shows. I plan to do the same with my son, because to me that's important. I honestly think my mom taking me everywhere reflects on who I am as a person. I love going new places and having new experiences and I want that for my son. I want him to not live in a box, but to act like the box doesn't even exist.


  1. He's such a cutie! Sounds like you two had a fun day at the park!

  2. I love going to the park. I'm excited for when I can take my little guy and just let him run around playing. Look forward to seeing more of your outings withyour little man!


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