Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weight Loss, New Hairdo, & My Baby Favs !

I wanted to update everyone on my weight loss. I have lost 10 pounds this month. I started my diet on January 10th.  Im extremely proud of myself and have come to the realization that the only way to lose weight is with diet and exercise.  There is no miracle drug or secret concoction.  Its good old fashion eating right and exercising.  Becoming a mom for the first time made losing weight extremely hard.  I could no longer focus on myself but my son, and I went for the easiest thing available to me: fast food (the devil) lol.  Now that my son is older its easier to work around his schedule, and do what I have to do for me to feel better.  These are tips that have worked for me:

1. Lose weight for yourself and no one else.  Often times we feel that we have to lose weight to please others and we do it for the wrong reasons.  How do I know this? because I was one of those people that felt I needed to lose weight because other people would comment on my weight, and in the end I would never stick to it.  That's why I say lose weight for yourself when you are ready.

2. Drink LOTS of water. Not only is it good for you but it also fills you up.

3. Allow yourself one day to eat whatever you want.

4. Do moderate exercise. A nice walk or even light cleaning counts.

5. Meal plan.  This is extremely helpful because it makes it less likely for you to get off track.


I wanted to do something different as well as something that would make me feel good about myself.  I get bored of the same look after a while.  So I decided to do layers as well as a side bang today. :)


As a mother its pretty hard trying new things with your new baby especially new foods.  You always have that fear in the back of your mind that your baby might choke.  I saw someone recommend these two snacks on  on a YouTube vlog and decided to give them a try.  I like them because they dissolve when you baby eats them, and they are very tasty.  Its a good distraction when going out with your baby and you need them to stay busy.

The baby Aveeno works extremely well for my son's eczema (sadly he inherited from me).  His skin is very sensitive and I find that this lotion works great for him unlike the Johnson and Johnson products which make him red and irritated.  So if any of you guys have babies with extremely sensitive skin I would reccomend this ! :)


  1. i am loving the hair <3
    very very sexy!

    what you do to diet love?
    like what where your meals about?
    i want to know :)


  2. I am glad you realized that diet and exercise is the way to lose weight/stay healthy. It drives me nuts when people think they can just take a pill and eat whatever they want!
    Cute hair!

  3. What a cute blog!! I am trying to drink a lot of water lately...definitely have seen a difference ;)

    Great blog!


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet