Friday, February 17, 2012


I should be sleeping right about now.  And I'm sure I'm going to regret not getting in these precious hours of sleep, but I'm dreading tomorrow.  My fiance's parent's live two hours and a half away from us and we usually go to there house so they can see the baby.  That's not really the issue.  Its the traveling part.  I really hate traveling since I became a mom (maybe that sounds harsh).  It's not that I feel its a burden I just feel overwhelmed.  All the stuff I have to pack, all the stuff I can't forget, all the things I should have brought, and it just becomes....well...not fun.  The thought of the next few days makes me cringe because I know my son will give me trouble to sleep and everyone will be giving me their "theories" as to why he's so fussing when in the back of my mind I want to shout "HE FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE JUST LIKE I DO." I don't know maybe when he gets older traveling will be easier....I honestly just want these few days to fly by.....

To all the Mothers out there how do you handle traveling with a little one? Do you enjoy it? How do you make it easier for your child being in a different environment so that they feel comfortable?


  1. Oh boy, I totally know how you feel! In the beginning it was hard and I dreaded it but now I live and learn {and I'm still learning!} In he car I'd bring a bag of toys and books to keep them occupied. But then the Radicals got a portable DVD player for Christmas one year so that was a total life saver. As for being in a different environment, I want to say relax...I know, easier said than done huh!? But really, if you're tense and uncomfortable {which I once was} he's going to feel it. I hope things go smoothly for you this weekend. And I have to say that it will get easier as they get older!

  2. aw hun :(
    i am sorry to hear that ..
    lets see what comes to my mind ..

    how about making a cute little list
    and laminating it .. then u can use a marker
    and check every single thing so u don't miss anything
    and then you can just wipe it and use it all over again

    for the trip ... maybe getting a little monitor where
    you can play movies for him ... music .. or something
    he enjoys doing?

    i am not a mom yet but i hope my ideas help a little :)

    wish you the best of luck ! love ya girl



Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet