Sunday, January 8, 2012

"The Secret"

Hey you ! Yes you ! Do you want to know a "Secret" that will change your life? A secret that promises to transform your money issues, health problems, love life, and anything else in between? Well if so read ahead:

A few years ago I came across an Oprah episode that promised to tranform your life. I thought to myself "how on earth can she give us the power to tranform our lives?" She introduced this book entitled "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Inside of it she claimed it showed us "The Secret" to living your dream life. I brought the book because I was interested in what the book was about. I'm always into books that can help tranform your life positively. The book writes about the law of attraction. That whatever we think we attract into our lives. They used the examples of how when you wake up in the morning and you stub your toe and then from that one moment your whole day goes from bad to worse. The reason that being is because when we stubbed our toe we already began to believe "today is turning into a bad day" and the law of attraction brings whatever we think into play. Hence, we will have a bad day because we are attracting negative energy with our thoughts. In order to transfrom one's life we must change our method of thinking by these steps.

1. Ask (get a clear idea of what you want and be specific ex: the man of your dreams, your dream house, or lose weight).
2. Believe (believe that you already have the thing you want for example if you want to lose weight visualize yourself at your ideal weight, look in the mirror and believe you are exactly where you need to be body wise, buy clothes that are the size that you want to be. Tell yourself everyday "im so happy and grateful to be at my ideal weight and I feel great about how I look. Be thankful for the weight lost).
3. Receive

The secret is a good book and in my opinion its helped me turn my life around. Many people have used it such as Plato, Beethoven, Oprah, and Eistein. Don't get me wrong there are times where my negativity gets the best of me, but then I try and change my mind set. I would highly recommend it. For all those that dont like reading or don't have the time to read Netflix has "The Secret" available to watch instantly. I watch it from time to time because it inspires me.

Give it a try & tell me what you think = )

"Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no limits. Whatever you can dream of can be yours, when you use The Secret."

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