Thursday, January 5, 2012

Parenting Advice Or Just Being Plain Annoying...

When I was pregnant I came to the realization that my little bump just wasn't mine anymore. That people felt it was free reign to just feel for a kick or talk AT my stomach (which kind of made me feel awkward because I'm the type of gal who likes her s p a c e). Little did i know it would be the same after I had my son. Everyone just FEELS the need to offer advice or tell you what you're doing wrong or how they did it back in the day (some 20 years ago). OR tell you you shouldn't always "listen" to your doctor (I'm sorry you graduated from medical school when?) So here is my mini vent to older people that offer advice just to hear themselves "TALK."

This is my child and he's everywhere he needs to be whether it be growth wise or milestone wise. I feed him when I know he's hungry & I don't wait for him to cry hysterically. I put him on a schedule because it WORKS for both me & him and I believe children thrive on schedules. I don't care what your did twenty years ago with your child. I don't listen to everything the doctor says I do research first and then figure out what's best for my child. I don't care if you fed your child everything under the sun and he/she never got sick I'm in NO rush to feed my son all types of food because it will happen in due time. Lastly, I know my son better than anyone & I know what's best for him. End of rant !


  1. Amen. I have a rant somewhere like this on my blog too!

  2. You said it woman! At first it was frustrating but now my come-backs are getting quicker. I like that "I'm sorry you graduated from medical school when?" haha! My response is always "oh, I didn't know you're a doctor!" Stand your ground because you're right; you know your son better than anyone.

  3. Amen girlfriend!
    you learn to be a mommy with your child
    no matter how much advice they give you.
    there is no book . family member . friend
    that will be better than you. So babe you
    do your thing =D when you need the advice
    you'll ask for it!



Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet