Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Im the type of person that can never say NO....I dont like hurting people's feelings or disappointing people.  As a result I end up unhappy for committing to something I didn't really want to do or changing my plans to suit someone elses'.  This New Year, I made a promise to myself that I wasn't going to do anything I didn't want to do.  Even if that meant letting someone else down.  I feel sometimes I go above and beyond for people when they dont do the same for me.  Granted we shouldn't do things and expect the same in return....but sometimes one has to think "am I going over the top and in turn letting my own self down?"  So for the first time today I said "NO" and I must admit it felt good. Because, if I would have said yes I would have disappointed myself.  I would have been upset for committing to something and would have kept thinking "I really dont want to do this why did I say yes???!!!" and it would have gotten me in a bad mood.  Bottom line: sometimes you have to say NO because you cant please everyone.  Trying to make everyone happy at the same time makes you unhappy in the long run.  Its not bad to lend a helping hand here and there but dont over extend yourself and make yourself miserable in the end.


  1. I know how you feel! Sometimes I say yes to things I don't want to do and then end up regretting it too! I'm not an over the top giver, but lets just say I go to a lot of dinner parties when I'd much rather be at home relaxing. You have to listen to yourself! lol... Good for you for sticking to your goal!

  2. high five girlfriend! sometimes
    you just gotta say NO ...
    you can't please everyone you know?
    You come first girl :)

    i am proud of ya
    i am also working on that

    Melina ♥

  3. That's awesome! And you're absolutely right. I need to work on this myself.


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