Thursday, January 19, 2012

I have a 7th Month Old !

I have a 7th month old ! Wait hold on, can we rewind that?! A 7th Month Old?! Time is literally flying....I remember looking at my son's 6-9 month clothing, and saying "wow this is huge and we have a long way to go before he can fit in that." And now the "long way to go" is finally here and I look at his 0-3 month clothing and say where is my little baby? *sigh* I guess I have to come to terms with he isn't going to be a baby forever....

What's he up to this month:

- Last time he was weighed he was 17 pounds.
- His laugh as changed, and all he does is laugh non-stop.
- Whenever he sees his bottle or baby food he goes CRAZY
-He sits up all by himself unassisted
- Frankie still hates "tummy time" but we work on it each day.
- he has his two bottom teeth coming in
- he loves to play with anything that's not a toy. LOL
- he's starting to become shy around people he doesn't know.
- he reaches for me & his dad.
- he loves making funny noises.
- he LOVES our dog Simba, but Simba doesn't quite feel the same yet. Lol

Highlights of last month:

Frankie had his first fever after he received the flu vaccine & I was EXTREMELY worried.

I caught the flu shortly after (not sure how on earth I got the flu) and was really sick it was the first time ever that that I realized as a mom you don't get any days off even when u are severely sick lol.

We've been frequenting restaurants more often with Frankie & he has been behaving extremely well...we bring toys & some baby mum mums & that usually gets him distracted.


  1. he is adorable!
    what is tummy time?

    Melina ♥

  2. So cute! Are you still using that new camera?


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet