Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just Not A Picture Person.....

My son is a very happy baby who loves to laugh and smile....BUT....when one who loves to take pictures and "capture" the moment like myself he freezes up and puts on the most serious little you can imagine the struggle I went through trying to find "that perfect picture" for the Christmas cards I planned to hand out. Perhaps it is the huge camera that I have that throws him off....maybe you are thinking well why dont u continue and try to make him laugh? I DO ! I've tried it all...I LOVE my little boy regardless even if he's just not a picture person....LOL

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Yes for some reason it is hard to get them to smile for the camera. I think the flash bothers them too :( Thats why its best to take pictures in good natural light, but when you can't, you just gotta take a million pics and hope you get at least one or two good ones


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet