Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Your Baby Can Read"

As a Christmas gift my son got "Your Baby Can Read" kit. In it comes with 3 DVDs, Flashcards, & 3 books. I wonder if it truly works & I hope he enjoys it. I love to read & think it would be awesome if he was a reader like me because his dad doesn't like reading at all.

Have any of you guys ever used it before? Does it work? what's your take on it?


  1. how adorable!
    look at this :

    so cute how they learned sign language
    imagine when your baby gets this big :)

    he'll be the cutest ♥


  2. I have never used it before, but am curious if it works. You'll have to let me know! :)


  3. I have not used this but I think its a great visual concept for sure!

  4. @Melu awesome video ! :) I can't wait for my son to do things like that ! ;)

    @ Noelani yes I will def let u know how it works out! :)

    @ Lindsay yes that why I got it because it's just not plopping him in front of the tv. I like that me & him can interact with the books & flash cards. I'll let you know how it works out ;)

  5. Bought this and my daughter loved watching the videos. Never followed through with the flashcards so she doesn't know how to read, but I think if you really practice it can help.

    I do think it advanced her vocabulary. I remember one night we were outside and she had just started saying words and she pointed up at the moon and said "moon". And we had never taught her that word, so I do think she learned from them.


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet