Monday, December 19, 2011

6 months old!

I'm now a parent to a six-month old. He is growing so fast right before my eyes. In these past months I must say it's like he's a completely different baby. I look at him and think to myself is this the baby that I took home from the hospital? This month, in my opinion was a really big month.

Reflecting back on the month : I learned a few things this month. I learned how to handle a child that's constipated (Karo syrup). I learned how to still keep him on the schedule even staying at someone else's house which was my biggest fear. And lastly I learned that although he's my first child and I want everything to be perfect I'm learning to just go with the flow and that I cannot control everything.

What he's up to:

He can sit up for short periods at a time.

He eats three baby foods a day.

He's wearing 6 to nine-month clothing but can still fit into his 3 to 6 month clothing.

He sleeps 8 to 9 hours at night.

He loves Yo Gabba Gabba

When his pacifier falls out he can put it right back into his mouth.

Whenever I read him a book he loves to turn the pages.

He grabs everything at any opportunity.

He never smiles when he takes pictures. LOL but I'm sure we'll get the hang of that.

He still has a love for music and likes listening to music with me while we play.

Overall he's a happy baby except when he's tired, he gets kind of cranky.

Lastly, he has his first tooth coming in !

This month has been a great month and I look forward to all the future months with Frankie.


  1. I love his crazy hair!! I think you won a giveaway on another blog, did you see!

  2. Yes I did on Lisa's blog I was so super excited !!! : ) lol

  3. its shocking when they sleep at someone else's house isn't it!?

    well he wont do it forever most likely. mine stopped around 14 months i thnk.

  4. @Mrs Mackenzie u have no
    Idea!!!! Lol between him being uncomfortable because he's not in his own house, my fiancé's mom over doing it, everyone giving me uncalled for "parenting advice" about what to feed him, & my fiancé's mom constipating Frankie by over feeding him meanwhile I specifically told her how much he should be fed I didn't know whether to laugh or cry !!!! I look back at it now & I'm like wow how on earth did I not pull out my hair !!??? *Whew* I'm glad that's over with lol..,,


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet