Thursday, December 22, 2011


"Be the Parent you wanted for yourself for your child."

One day I was in my fiance's mother's kitchen and we were talking about parenting. When her husband said that his father walked out on him and his brothers and sisters when he was young. He remembered seeing him at eight years old and never again. He stated that his mother was a mother and a father to him. She was the best mother he could have possibly asked for and he decided to be the best father if he ever had children in the future. He said although he didn't have a father he raised his children with this in mind: "Be the parent you wanted for yourself, for your child." Through the months so many people have offered me so much parenting advice that I let go through one ear and out the other, but this actually stuck. So I decided to adopt it as my parenting technique.

What are some of your parenting techniques or advice you have gotten over the years that have really made an impact?

1 comment:

  1. One parenting philosophy I live by is "start as you mean to go on" meaning if you won't let your child do something when she is older then don't let her do it now as a baby.

    Also, another thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is how much denying your children something makes them want it. There is something about human nature where when children see other children playing with certain toys then they want them too. If there is a toy they knowed they're not allowed to play with, they want it even more. I want to allow as much freedom as possible so that my daughter doesn't convince herself that she wants things that she really doesn't'.


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet