Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Those people....

There are parents out there who love their child before it's even born. Who cry when they know their child is in pain. The ones that worry all day and night when their child isn't acting like their normal selves. Parents who do everything and anything for their child. The ones that are there to support their child and fight for their child...and then there are the ones who don't. The ones who don't I will never understand them.....those people I have no respect for...the ones who bring children in this world to hurt them...I'm honestly at a lost for words when I think about "those people." I know a few of "those people". The closest one I know is my father. I don't hold it against him I'm way beyond that. It took me a while to get where I am now. My other siblings hate him. They hate how unloving he was with his own children, the mean things he would say to us just to hurt us, how life with him was a control game and we were the pieces, and how we were secondary to everyone else. I, on the other hand I choose to not let it entrap me. I do wish I had a good relationship with my father, but it no longer hurts me because I take all this love I can't give to him and I pour it all on my son. I won't let what happened to me reflect on what the relationship of my son will be like. Someone once told me "be the parent you always wanted to have for yourself, for your child." So I will never be one of "those people." I'm the person whose heart was full of love for a child I didn't even know yet but knew I loved. I'm the mother who cries when my son gets his shots or when he cries. The one who worries all the time because I love my child so dearly. I'm the mom who made a vow when I was younger that I would never be my father. That I will do anything and everything for my son. When I think of my dad I thank him...because he taught me how to never be "those people" like he was....

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