Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Favs !

When I did my registry it was one of the most exciting things ever. It let me know this is real and in no time my son Frankie would be using these things. I figured I'd let people (if anyone is actually out there reading) what my favorite things I got, and what I can't go without !

Favorite Things :)

1. Rock & play sleeper : it was great having this because I'm a worry wart so having my son sleep right next to me always made me feel better. He really enjoys this sleeper. It can be used as a bassinet, it's FDA approved to be used as one. Below is a picture of my son Frankie with his rock & play sleeper and his noggin pillow. You can find the Rock & play sleeper at Babies R us, Target, & the Walmart website.

2. Boppy noggin head rest support : when my son was two months old he had a flat spot so I did some research & started using it I wish I would have known about it sooner. It prevents flathead and you can use it in the rock and play sleeper, swing, bouncer, and car seat. I can honestly say it truly does it's job. If you read the reviews there's nothing but great feedback. Below I have a picture of it, and you can get it online at target.

3. The my little lamb swing : it was truly a God sent my son loves it and it plays a variety of music and has 3 different positions. I have few pictures of my son in it below. I got it at Babies R Us.

4. Boppy pillows : they are definitely handy. My son just loves lounging in it and I like using it for support when holding him. I have some pictures of Frankie in it below.

5. Halo sleep sac : this was a great investment. Like I said before I'm
A Huge worry wart. If your like me I was scared my son would take the cover and bring it to his face and not be able to breath or that he would take the cover off during the night. The halo sleeper took away all worries. It's a sac that you zip your baby in. It allows him/her the freedom to move around without being restricted like a swaddler. If your child is like my son and hates being swaddled this is the thing for u !!! Depending on the season they vary in thickness. It allows for easy access when changing pampers, and it let's their arms out so they still have that freedom to move around as much as they like. I didn't snap of my son in it because I'm just writing this blog now but I have a picture that I got from online I brought it from babies r us but you can also find it at Target :)

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