Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Secretly Pregnant"

As I was skimming through the On Demand channels I found this series called "Secretly Pregnant" and thought to myself "who on earth would hide their pregnancy." I decided to give it a try and see what the show was about. After watching two episodes I realized that the show wasn't about hiding your pregnancy, because your ashamed of it but hiding it because your scared what others might say. Each of these women were in situations that weren't the ideal situation to bring a child into for example one was unemployed, one was having a baby by a married man and already had a one year old with him, and another was scared what her father might think. While watching this show I realized that I too was nervous about the reaction of others when I was pregnant. I was worried about the "you're so young reactions" (mind you im 24), "what are you going to do?" (what every normal person who has a child does. Raise him or her and love them.), or the "you are? accompanied by a fake smile (the statement that says I'm not really happy for you, but I'll act like I am meanwhile I can clearly see through it). When I was pregnant I was so excited, but so worried what others would say even though I was with the father of my child for five years, had my own apartment, my own car, and we could support ourselves and a child. I kept this great news to myself for 3 months because I didn't want anyone to rain on my parade. But then I realized it really doesn't matter what others have to say why should I live up to anyone expectations but my own? Why did I find a deep need to please everyone and make myself unhappy? So I told everyone and some were super excited and some met me with the fake smile but those reactions didn't matter. I always wanted a big family, and if the finances are right I would like to have another child in a year or so. This time though I wont put so much emphasis on breaking the news to people, but more of an emphasis on enjoying my pregnancy.

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