Monday, October 24, 2011

4 Months Going On 18 Years Old....

In my previous post I stated that my son has been off his schedule and it's been a battle trying to put him back on his routine. This all started when he went to visit his Grandmother with his father and stood there for two days. Who knew that so much damage could be done in two days? Apparently so...He came back with his own little routine. He wanted to show me "Hey mom this is what I'm into now so follow my lead." He now stays up till 7 am and sleeps on and off till 5pm. I tried little by little to get him back to his old schedule of sleeping 8 hours straight like he used to....but to no avail. He's set in his ways of living the life of a teenager. Partying all night and sleeping all day. "Sleep" has pretty much packed its bags and went on vacation for me. So this morning I made a choice to start: Operation Get Frankie Back On Schedule. The whole day was spent trying to break the old routine, while fighting my own sleepiness. We did have 2 naps which I woke up several times in between, in a panic thinking "OMG how long have I been sleeping?" come to find out it had only been an hour. Its funny how things change from when you don't have a baby to now. When I was younger I would go to sleep and say "all I've slept was four hours and I'm still tired." Now I wake up with "wow that one hour nap was amazing, I feel like a whole new person." You definitely cherish sleep more...I'm sure things will get to how they were its just a matter of sticking it out. He's 4 months going on 18 years old....


  1. So true!

    My friend just went to Paris and left her 6 month old with her mother for a week. When she came back he was a different kid. He was down to being up once a night before she left, but now he is up every hour during the night. Its amazing how delicate their sleeping patterns are.

  2. I know it's still a work in progress. He's been getting up non stop during the night I wish I could go back in time and not have let him go LOL. Hopefully in the upcoming days he will start going back to what we had going on before. I read somewhere about a four month old regression Im not sure if that has anything to do with it.


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