Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness....

When I think of breast cancer I think about how my Grandmother's life was cut short, and how my son will never get to meet his Great-Grandmother. She battled breast cancer for 16 years. It went into remission but came back when I was 17. My grandmother passed away last year when I was 23. Its so sad how many mothers, sisters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers, cousins, and friends we all lose because of it. This evening I walked into my favorite pastry shop and saw these breast cancer awareness cupcakes, and thought of my Grandmother. I brought them, and I thought of her and hope maybe one day their will be a cure and we can get more years with the one's we love.


  1. These cupcakes are adorable. I am sorry for your loss. Cancer stinks.

  2. Thanks Jamie ; ) still feels unreal
    At times but I know my Grandmother is in a better place hopefully looking down on me & her great grand son :)


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet