Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter weekend

This Easter weekend was fun. I made the Easter cupcakes I was d.y.i.n.g to make. I also dyed some Easter eggs in honor of my son's first Easter !!! Brought back the memories of me being a kid again, but then those feelings felt a little too familiar when I saw that my eggs did not come out the way they looked on the box !!! Lol. I decided next year I'm using kool-aid for dye. They say it makes the colors
on the eggs looks brighter and darker.

Easter was spent with my side of the family. Although the only person missing was my Grandma. Holidays just really aren't the same without her. We had a good time though it made my Grandfather happy to see my son and spend time with him. My son loved opening his Easter basket (or should I say playing with the wrapping) lol.

This week will be extremely exciting for me. My son is being baptized on Sunday and I hope everything goes as planned. Tomorrow he has to take his baptism pictures so I hope he doesn't give us a hard time lol. I think it might ran this Sunday which will be a HUGE HUGE HUGE bummer because I wanted to get some nice outside baptism pictures of my son and also because I HATE the rain it just ruins my hair. Speaking of hair I tried a new hair style (sometimes you need a change and to step out your comfort zone). I Decided to have my hair curled to add some volume to it and I must say I LOVE this new look. I feel so glamourous. Hope all you fellow bloggers had a great Easter and hopefully an even better week !


  1. Replies
    1. Thank u...I brought it from forever 21 I hope u had a great Easter xoxo :)


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