Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nine Months In And Nine Months Out

When I was 9 months pregnant i never could have pictured being a mother to a nine month old. Then again I was battling heart burn, peeing every 2.5 seconds, and my stomach getting in the way of everything. Being a mother to a nine month old is awesome I'm absolutely l o v i n g this stage !

What's baby Frankie up to:
- He says "dada" no stop I'm about to ban it until he starts saying mama lol

- He stands for a minute at a time but doesn't crawl. His way of getting to and from somewhere is rolling non stop but he's not into crawling.

- He eats second baby foods about 3-4 a day.

- He sleeps 10-12 hours at night.

- He went to the park for the first time.

- He loves my dog & loves playing fetch with Simba it's the cutest thing.

- He wears 9-12 month clothing and size 4 pampers

- He behaves so well in restaurants and is great when we take him out.

That about sums it up and I can't believe my little man is 9 months !

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I agree it just keeps getting better as they get older!


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