Thursday, March 29, 2012


Right now I'm in a crossroad. I'm not quite sure where my life is heading, and which road to take. I'm so confused. I love being a stay at home mom, but I don't quite know where to go from here. If you would had asked me last year what I'm doing with my life I would have told you finishing my degree in early childhood education. You ask me that now and I'd just give you a blank stare. At this point I don't know what I want and it's bothering me. Where is my calling in life? Anyone ever felt this way before?


  1. I often ask myself that question and always end up asking my boyfriend what I should do next. He asks me if I'm happy about where I am and that I should do what makes him happy. I guess having someone close to you comfort you and tell you you're doing the right thing for now is the best way to get over it. I guess unexpected things happen in life that makes us grow and mature by confusing the hell out of our minds ;)

    Hope you figure it out soon!


    Love your blog.

  2. I think society puts too much pressure on us to find a "calling". Girls grow up believing that they must go to college if they ever want to earn their own self respect. I think thats a bunch of baloney!

    Being a loving and wise mother who raises her own children is the best thing you can be in my opinion.


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet