Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I miss you...

"When I miss you, I don't have to go far- I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find you."

Yes, that's what I keep telling myself but I can't help but miss my fiancé :( Where is he you might ask? Las Vegas...for how long? Only a week..some might think that's not long at all, but to me its an eternity lol..,It's funny how much you truly miss someone when they aren't around. You miss their hugs, kisses, and accidentally call their name when something funny is on tv & realize they aren't there. His aunt was diagnosed with cancer & she's starting her treatment this week and he wanted to be there for support. That's something I truly admire about him...his love for his family, his loyalty, how big his heart is...that's the first thing that attracted me to him...that there was more to him ....hopefully this week will zoooom by & he will be back in my arms where he belongs :D I'm also taking him being gone as a time to reflect how much I really love him...and what a blessing he is to my life. I don't have many people I can count on, but I know I'll always have brings tears to my eyes when I think about all we have been through just to get to where we are now. He goes above & beyond just to make me happy...& I'm so very very grateful,


  1. this february will be a year that i have
    not seen sebastian :( so picture that!

    be strong love ... the distance is only
    temporary and you only have a week :)
    put yourself in my shoes and ull seriously
    feel much better after that :)

    Melina ♥

  2. Awww this is such a sweet post. I'm sorry you have to be away from him for so long. That must be really hard on you! I know some women choose to marry men who spend years away from them due to work or other things and I have no idea why anyone would choose that lifestyle! I could never do that. I am like you, I want my honey around.

    You are so lucky to have such a sweet caring guy. Don't forget to let him know how much you appreciate him :)

  3. @Mrs Mackenzie yes I definitely feel for those people. It must be extremely hard....I love having the company of my fiance' not when im PMSing though ! LOL

  4. @Melu Your love is strong and that is amazing that you two have such a strong bond = ) day you two will be long have you two been together?


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