Sunday, November 20, 2011

I have a 5 Month Old....

My son is now 5 months. I think "where did the time go?" I look at his newborn clothes, and im shocked he was that small. Luckily I have photos as evidence because I wouldn't believe he was that small. He's grown and changed so much over the past few months. He amazes me everyday with the new things that he learns. It's never a dull moment with Frankie. He is such a joy to have in my life and Im so Thankful having him in my life.

What's been going on this month?

- Frankie is back on schedule. *Looks to the sky and Thanks God* He now sleeps about 8-9 hours a night.

- Frankie rolls over more frequently.

- He laughs non-stop at "Yo Gabba Gabba"

- He tries to put his pacifier in his mouth

- Frankie now cries when I leave a room, and when I return he stops crying.

- He started eating solids so far he's tasted: carrots, squash, apple sauce, banana, sweet potato, green beans, and peaches.

- He enjoys playing with his toys now whereas before he would become restless pretty quick.

- He drinks about 24-30 ounces a day.

-He can sit up with less support.

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