Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Abandoned Blog

Hello abandoned blog...I know I haven't written in forever...truth of the matter is...I MISSED all my fellow bloggers that I read ! So much has happened in these last two months...where should I begin? well I have a 1 year old *tears* no longer a infant but what they call a "toddler." He pretty much gets into everything and wants to be involved in everything. This is pretty much a list of whats happened lately because I feel like I'm so far behind in whats been going on:

- Frankie jr. was baptized April 15th.
- He was a late crawler and started crawling at 11 months.
- He's cruising but is extremely scared to try and walk on his own.
- He says mama, dada, baba (which I assume he is trying to say simBA my dog) he says hi when he wants to, and bye when he wants to.
- He dances like there is no tomorrow.
- He recently had a "Yo Gabba Gabba" party and recognized MUNO. (will post pics soon)
- He has 7 teeth.
- He's drinking whole milk now (he gave of us a problem in the beginning but now he's on board) lol
- since he turned one he is extremely clingy (anyone else experience this phase?)

What's been going on with me?

- I lost 25 pounds these last 8 to lose are taking forever !
- I've been looking for a job but no luck in that department = /
- Planning a first birthday party was STRESSFUL so happy its over LOL

How has everyone been?

1 comment:

  1. 25 pounds? Great job girl :)

    I'm having a $20 Gift Card Giveaway on my blog, check it out if you're interested. :)


Comments are always appreciated & welcomed so feel free to comment :) Monet